HOPE and FUTURE Family

for Drug, Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Monday, June 9, 2008


Embu Blue Cross has identified the following as its specifies agenda
(I) Computer literaly to its members
(II) Self help projects
(III) Management Skills education
(IV) Partnering with other organizations with similar orientation

We shall identity and nature addicts talents through:
a.) organizing events
b.) sporting bonanzas and recreation centers
c.) Assisting those with talents develop their talents
d.) Rehabilitating voluntary addicts in our own Blue Cross rehabilitation to facilitate guidance and conselling
e.) collect manage and disseminate data on drug and substance abuse
f.) offer inter group role modeling programs on code of ethics and moral support for group members

Report Covering

Drug Addict illness is worse than any other form of illness. For with it, instead of people being, sorry with the victims, they become angry with them. Embu is one of the most affected Region in the Eastern. Mira is one of the most consumed drug due to its a availability in the planting of the drug and its neighboring districts. Some of the priority projects to be involved.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Blue Cross Embu

- Embu branch is the newly formed group in Kenya
- It a region affected drug addicts. Commonly abused drugs are Mira (Khat), Bhang, Alcohol and tobacco
- Currently it has thirty seven members majority being drug addicts
- God has helped us to come up with a plan on how we can help our affected brothers. Also with help from Doctor Klaus we have managed to start buying a land where we want to put houses and come up with a rehabilitation center for the addicts to be meeting and even stay for some months to recover
- Because of that, the members have contributed and we have come up with minor projects which are operate by addicts these are like:
1. Fish pond i.e. fish farming by volunteers giving out there farms that we can dig ponds
2. Dairy farming
3. Barber Shop
4. Crop farming
5. Sports and drama activities
- We also looking forward to start a cyber cafeยด which is a necessity at this time. It will serve as income generating project and also a training school for volunteers and recovered addicts. We also looking forward to start a film project, so please its very important to evangelize and teach this people about drugs.

Needs: Rehabilitation center in Embu!

1. Transport problem
2. Finances
3. Opposition and discouragement from unfocused people
4. Untrained volunteers

The purpose of the board is to oversee, manage and to expand the work of Blue Cross in Eastern region by
- making awareness campaigns

- Evangelism
- Capacity building
- Training of volunteers in the branches

It will also enhance projects and other activities in the region.