HOPE and FUTURE Family

for Drug, Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Friday, September 26, 2008

Alcohol / Tobacco Abuse


Prolonged use and abuse of alcohol can produce organic changes that manifest in physical and psychological symptoms e.g. liver and brain cell death, heart disease.

Other medical problems associated with alcoholism are sexual dysfunction in both male and females, such as impotence in male, and low sexual libido in female. The ‘alothe syndrome’ or infidelity. jealousy is becoming increasingly common as couples accuse their spouses of infidelity. This condition has been associated with chronic heavy drinking.



This is the principal pharmacological agent that is common to all forms of tobacco. It is a powerful addicting drug that sustains widespread tobacco use. Nicotine is an extremely toxic substance: just two or three drops of the pure active alkaloid will rapidly kill an adult.

The nicotine content differ from one form of tobacco product to the next...

The more you drink alcohol, the more you destroy our society.

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